Disability Income

Home Life Insurance Disability Income

One in 4 adults, or about 61 million Americans, live with a disability that impacts major life activities. The most common type, mobility, affects 1 in 7 adults*. Many people believe they will be covered by Social Security or workers compensation if they were to become disabled, but the facts are too great to ignore. In 2019, less than one percent of American workers missed work because of an occupational illness or injury. Disability income insurance can provide a way to earn income while disabled from sickness, injury, or other disorders as stated in the policy, even if workers compensation and Social Security benefits don't apply.


  • 24-hour coverage every day, while on or off the job
  • Coverage is guaranteed renewable until age 67
  • The purchased base coverage amount will not be reduced by any other disability income
  • Premiums are waived after disability has lasted 90 consecutive days for as long as benefits are paid
  • Multiple elimination periods are available: 30, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days
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